Finish and Treatment



Nano Resins

To date, the demand for wrinkle-resistant cotton fabric has increased. Resin finishing emerged as the major method to impart resistance to the cotton fabric by maintaining elasticity in the cotton fabric. However, this method uses formaldehyde which is considered to be toxic. Due to the toxicity of formaldehyde, extensive efforts have been made to develop non-formaldehyde alternatives for the durable press system. In light of this the application of nanotechnologies to engineer fabrics that resist wrinkles and stay drier has received some attention. In this method, the wrinkle-resistant property of cottons is achieved by finishing the fabrics or garments using crosslinking agents. The process does not change the fabric’s hand feel orits breathability. The products perform well with good wrinkle resistance while remaining breathable and comfortable for the wearer. Furthermore, the application of nanotechnology has no side effects, and nano-materials are free of toxic substances making them environmentally friendly.